On Monday, March 06, 2023, was held at the Maison des Entreprises (CGECI) a workshop to present the offers of American institutions. This workshop was organized by the Official CEPICI in collaboration with the Embassy of the United States in Côte d’Ivoire and the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM).
In the presence of Her Excellency Mrs. Jessica Davis Ba, Ambassador of the United States of America in Côte d’Ivoire, Mrs. Solange Amichia, Director General of CEPICI, Mr. Yohannes MEKBEBE, President of the American Chamber of Commerce, the private sector, public administrations and local authorities, the American financial institutions introduced their agencies and their financing offers.
The objective of this meeting was to facilitate the connections between these financial institutions and the national project leaders, in order to obtain agreements or pre-agreements of financing for the priority projects of the State of Côte d’Ivoire and the private sector.
U.S. Ambassador Mrs. Jessica Davis Ba outlined her vision for creating a strong relationship between Cote d’Ivoire and the United States. She took the opportunity to thank AmCham and CEPICI for their contribution. Finally, she renewed the commitment of the United States to invest more in Cote d’Ivoire.
AmCham President Mr. Yohannes Mekbebe thanked all parties involved before elaborating on the role of AmCham Cote d’Ivoire. The president ended by assuring the commitment of AmCham to promote access to information and economic exchanges between the United States and Cote d’Ivoire.
Mrs. Solange AMICHIA, Director General of CEPICI explained the context of this meeting: “this meeting follows the initiatives led by the Head of the Ivorian Government, Patrick Achi, with the said institutions during which he obtained their adhesion to the ambitions carried by the State of Côte d’Ivoire through the vision 20-30 and the NDP 2021-2025 materialized by the financing agreements concluded with them.
The workshop ended with B-to-B meetings with these different American institutions.
The sectors targeted by this meeting dedicated to investment support are health, agriculture and food security, education, the fight against desertification and climate change, infrastructure and SMEs.